Monday, February 25, 2013


My students have officially become blog-aholics!(Click the pic above to see what I mean)  I have integrated blog posting into our weekly center work and the kids are really enjoying it.  What I also enjoy about kidblog is that it allows you to see the location of people that have viewed your blog.  Interestingly enough we have had visitors from as far away from California and Texas look at our blog posts.  Although only my students and other classes that I approve can reply/comment on our posts, seeing that other people from around the country are interested in what my students have to say have inspired them to write even more!  What I would like to continue working on is my student's ability to reflect on and reply to other student's blog posts.  They are still in a "the sun revolves around me" kind of world. This is such a cool way to get students involved with technology while practicing literacy skills! 
Check out Elena's blog to find out more about how to use the Kidblog App at


  1. Dear Gail,

    Why not contact Scott Boylen or have your students post replies on his 7th graders' blogs? You already have his 7th graders' KidBlog address. As for Scott's email, I can put you in touch with him. He has been doing lots of cross class blogging. Today, his students were blogging with students in two different states. This also helps students to understand geography--getting out a map, learning about climate in different states or parts of the world, learning about famous sites in other places, and generally how people in other places live (activities, recreation, interests. etc).

    J. Arzt

  2. Honestly, it doesn't have to do with them not wanting to respond to other blogs, it really has to do with the lack of time that we have for it. Elena and I have connected our classes so that they are blogging to one another. The kids are really enjoying it, unfortunately we just don't have as much time as I'd like to with the blogging experience... I'm working on it though!
