Monday, January 21, 2013

Animoto Thoughts

The Animotos created by others are interesting and seem like they would work really well for students that are visual learners.  On the flip side, I found it difficult to focus on the message of the presentation with music happening at the same time. I personally tend to pay more attention to the music than the typed message.  On both of the animotos that I saw:

Planet Animoto

Children Learn What they Live

I found that both had great lessons to be learned, but a lot going on at one time.  I know that it would intrigue my students, but I'm also concerned that it may be sensory overload for some.  However, many of my students are video game addicts, so this kind of thing is probably right up their alley!

These both have inspired me to try my hand at creating one for my students based on our school theme of "Good Humans".  I'm a little concerned about finding pictures and music that is appropriate and will add to the lesson instead of take away from it.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I too had trouble with this Gail. I found that I really liked the animo clips, however, I found that the 30 second clips are not long enough to really be beneficial to kids in the classroom. Unless, students are creating these with the sole purpose of just exposing them to the technology. When I viewed longer clips, I found students were able to further express their views, ideas, or present a complete picture of their topic at hand.
